Talking to You

Read Write Poem's NaPoWriMo #25 first things's first

Talking to You

Your eyebrows say so
much, just by
going like this:
Always asking me
the question of
the moment.

The alarm goes off
"I slept great. You?"

You open the bathroom door
"I'll be done in just a sec."

The kids race between us,
trailing their argument
like a kite.
"They've been like this
since lunch. It must have
been something in the
peanut butter."


  1. Clever and different! Love the ending!

  2. I love how you used a physical gesture as the first thing someone says to you; it's such an interesting take on the prompt. The way you used characters to represent that gesture was unique and really cool, too. And as poemblaze already mentioned, I absolutely love your ending. "It must have been something in the peanut butter." Brilliant!

  3. Nicely done! I enjoyed this piece!

  4. Oh yes, it's always the peanut butter! Just kidding...but I know how it can be with the kids!!! Nicely done. Very cool how you integrated everyday conversation and symbols as gestures to make this come alive.

  5. yes great way to capture
    a small gesture =)


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