Moving from End to Beginning

As most readers of this blog know, I was widowed suddenly and unexpectedly in June of 2013, when the car my husband was driving was struck by another car and spun into oncoming traffic. My posts about the process of grief since then have generally been the most read posts on this blog, and they are also the posts about which I most often get messages from strangers telling me how helpful they were. 

They are all tagged with "widowhood", so you can access this corpus using the "labels" menu on the blog, but that widget will provide them in reverse chronological order. This page gives them in chronological order, from the end of my marriage through the beginning of the next chapter of my life. 

This process has not been linear, and it has not been pleasant. And I feel very strongly that we need to talk about the complexities of grief, grieving, and building an ongoing life after loss. 

There will not be a simple way to navigate from one post to the next as you're reading. You'll need to use your back button to return to this list at the end of each post. 

  1. What I Need Right Now - initial announcement post and instructions for collective grief
  2. Don't Wait for Tragedy - a reflection on friendship
  3. Gratitude - for help right away
  4. Unusual Grief - on resisting expectations and stereotypes
  5. How Are You? - on language and performativity
  6. black - a reflection on my choice to wear only black for a while
  7. ring - on not wearing mine anymore
  8. milestones - on the events that are highlighted by grief
  9. first days back - on the struggle of returning to something resembling my regular work life
  10. zweifelt - on choices and discernment
  11. preliminary hearing - on the court case with the at-fault driver, part 1
  12. lingering fog - on the cognitive effects of grief
  13. (literary) companions in grief - on the poems that kept me company
  14. Walk in the Light - a sermon on advent, candles, and living my values
  15. things - on dealing with objects
  16. disposition - on the court case with the at-fault driver, part 2
  17. color - on bringing it back
  18. things I miss - on the quotidian poignancies of grief
  19. real - on virtual community
  20. paperwork - a lament and an outrage
  21. road not taken - a pondering 
  22. dust - which we all are
  23. empty - on confronting bigger changes
  24. flannel hope - on the opportunity to re-make choices
  25. a glimpse of remembrance - on memory aids
  26. girl power - on empowerment and friendship
  27. seeing myself - on changing identity in grief
  28. unniversary - on how to mark an anniversary that no longer exists
  29. sable letter - on social expectations and why I hate them
  30. angry - it is a legitimate stage of grief, and we need to make more room for it
  31. fear - also an underappreciated aspect of grief
  32. perspective - on seeing things differently
  33. chalk - on regaining my professional self
  34. still in love - with love
  35. breadwinner - on the frustration of being one
  36. done not done - on being ready to move but feeling trapped
  37. donate - on organ and tissue donation
  38. walls - lament on selling our house
  39. on moving - ambivalence
  40. a glimpse of freedom - joy at selling our house
  41. uncertainty and the purple - on lent and liminality
  42. free at last - on independence
  43. begin again - contemplating that space between end and beginning
  44. promise - on what we owe to the dead
  45. three - a reflection three years later
  46. audacity - shock at my own self
  47. finding the joy - on poignant moments
  48. birthdays - and why I love them!
  49. loneliness - a lament
  50. guessing wrong - on the stress of choosing again
  51. death has a body - and we should view them, actually
  52. justice and mercy - why we should all work toward restorative justice
  53. lovely weather, for a duck - on intangible inheritance
  54. forty - was a big birthday for me
  55. color, revisited - a reflection
  56. feeling complexity - in which it is okay to feel more than one thing at a time
  57. raisins and tears - on grief bursts that surprise you (me!)
  58. fifty - was not a birthday for him


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